Killit are back with new material in the form of the thunderous track “Waiting for the day” accompanied by a cinematic video exuding heavy metal badass. As the track begins the video opens with frontman Gaz standing alone in a power stance partnered with killer riffs in the background. It doesn’t take long for the camera to pan to a full band shot where each member is of similar distance from one another creating an aesthetically pleasing angle. The video is shot in darkness with spotlights that beam down upon Killit playing ensuring audience focus is upon them. The lighting of the video connotes the dark, heavy undertones within the band’s sound and captures the manner of which the music engulfs you from start to finish.

The differing angles utilised within the video ensure that the animated movements of the band playing their instruments are captured – every head bang, every hair swish, every guitar lift! The physical gestures exude heavy metal/rock and no distinctive move is left out. With clever editing, key movements are portrayed with slow motion scenes constructing a dramatic mise-en-scene. The tracking of the band at times from above encapsulates further lighting effects as natural shadows occur creating a mystifying ambience where at times you see nothing but the silhouettes of the band. The narrative boasts simplicity and has not gone in the direction of constructing a piece that conveys a storyline with multiple settings that many other rock bands opt for. Choosing an uncomplicated video compliments the nature of the track and allows the track to do all the talking without the mask of a convoluted visual piece.

Words Kerri Marie Lacey

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